
We welcome contributions and value your ideas. Please use GitHub Issues if you would like to suggest ideas, request new features or enhancements, or report bugs. To contribute code, open a GitHub Pull Requests. If you are new to the project, we kindly ask you to review QuantumLeap's contribution guidelines as well as FIWARE's contribution requirements.

To contribute code:

  1. Fork the repository and clone the fork to your local development environment
  2. Identify a modular contribution to the code (avoid too large contributions to simplify review)
  3. Create a branch in your repository where you tackle the "modular contributions"
  4. For multiple contributions tackling different functionalities, create different branches
  5. For all the new functionalities provide tests (see and in the root to understand how tests can be run locally)
  6. When done, verify that all tests are passing
  7. If so, create a pull request against our repository (we cannot review pull requests with failing tests)
  8. Wait for the review
  9. Implement required changes
  10. Repeat until approval
  11. Done :) You can delete the branch in your repository.

Development Setup

The development is mostly in python3 for now, and really in the early stages so things will change for sure. For now, you can get started with:

git clone
cd ngsi-timeseries-api
pipenv install

# if you want to set up a dev env to test everything locally, you'll need to...

Details on how to use Quantum Leap WSGI app in Gunicorn:

cd ngsi-timeseries-api/src
gunicorn server.wsgi --config server/

Security Settings:

--limit-request-line INT

The maximum size of HTTP request line in bytes.This parameter is used to limit the allowed size of a client’s HTTP request-line.

--limit-request-fields INT

This parameter is used to limit the number of headers in a request to prevent DDOS attack. Used with the limit_request_field_size it allows more safety. By default this value is 100 and can’t be larger than 32768.

--limit-request-field_size INT

Limit the allowed size of an HTTP request header field. Value is a positive number or 0. Setting it to 0 will allow unlimited header field sizes.

pytest is used as the testing framework, but since most of QL's functionality is integration of components, you'll find docker-compose.yml files in the test folders to be run as a setup for tests. If you see .travis.yml file you'll see how they are running today, but probably at some point it's worth exploring pytest-docker plugins.

The requirements.txt still needs to be split between testing and production, that's also why the docker image is massive for now.

Repository Structure

In the current project tree structure you can find:

  • ngsi-timeseries-api
    • docs: Holds documentation files.
    • docker: To hold docker-related files for the scope of the project.
    • experiments: Sandbox for quick manual tests to try some stuff and derive new test cases.
    • specification: Contains the OpenAPI definition that QL implements.
    • src: Source code folder.
      • geocoding: Holds the code for interacting with OSM and doing geo-related processing.
      • reporter: Modules acting as the receiver of the notifications and API requests. It "parses/validates" them before handling tasks to the translators.
      • translators: Specific translators for each time-series databases, responsible for interacting with the lower-level database details.
      • utils: Common shared stuff looking for a better place to live in.