
At the moment, the only actively supported distribution of QuantumLeap is based on Docker. You could build and install it from sources, but no guidance is provided for such installation at the moment.

If you need to install Docker, refer to the Docker Installation. To check it works, you should be able to successfully run...

docker --version

You might also need docker-compose for some cases. Checkout the install docs. To check it works, you should be able to successfully run...

docker-compose --version

The QuantumLeap Docker Image is hosted at

Now, depending on your scenario, you have different deployment options. See from the sections below which fits yours. After installation, you can check everything is working as expected by following the Sanity Check.

Deploy QuantumLeap on a single-host for local testing

Follow these steps if you want to quickly deploy all the components of the typical scenario at once, to start experimenting with QuantumLeap ASAP.

Important: Do not use this approach for production environments.

Download (or create locally) a copy of this docker-compose.yml file. Then start it up:

# same path were you have placed the docker-compose-dev.yml
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up -d

After a while, check that all containers are up and running:

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                  COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                   PORTS                                                           NAMES
8cf0b544868d        smartsdk/quantumleap   "/bin/sh -c 'python …"   2 minutes ago       Up 2 minutes   >8668/tcp                                          docker_quantumleap_1
aa09dbcb8500        fiware/orion:1.13.0    "/usr/bin/contextBro…"   2 minutes ago       Up 2 minutes (healthy)>1026/tcp                                          docker_orion_1
32709dbc5701        grafana/grafana        "/"                2 minutes ago       Up 2 minutes   >3000/tcp                                          docker_grafana_1
ed9f8a60b6e8        crate:1.0.5            "/docker-entrypoint.…"   2 minutes ago       Up 2 minutes   >4200/tcp,>4300/tcp, 5432-5532/tcp   docker_crate_1
76de9d756b7d        mongo:3.2              "docker-entrypoint.s…"   2 minutes ago       Up 2 minutes   >27017/tcp                                        docker_mongo_1
92e2129fec9b        redis                  "docker-entrypoint.s…"   2 minutes ago       Up 2 minutes   >6379/tcp                                          docker_redis_1

Now you're ready to use QuantumLeap as instructed in the User Manual.

When you are done experimenting, remember to teardown things.

# same path were you have placed the docker-compose-dev.yml
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml down -v

Deploy QuantumLeap in HA on a Docker Swarm cluster

To deploy QuantumLeap services in HA as a service on a Docker Swarm Cluster, you can follow the instructions in this repository.

There, you will find instructions on how to deploy in HA not only QuantumLeap but also all the complementary services that typically form part of the deployment scenario.

Deploy QuantumLeap reusing external services instances

If you have already Orion running somewhere else and you just want to deploy QuantumLeap, you can proceed as explained in the previous sections, but before deploying, remove from the docker-compose file the complete definition of the orion: and mongo: services. You will also need to remove the references to them in the depends_on: section of the other services.

Similarly, if you don't want to use some of the complementary services, like grafana, you can remove such services definition as well. Ultimately, the only required services for a minimal functioning QL are quantumleap and the time-series database (crate in the common case).

Alternatively, if you only need to run QuantumLeap to complete your setup, you can simply run

docker run -d -p 8668:8668 -e "CRATE_HOST=http://your_crate_location" smartsdk/quantumleap

The environment variable CRATE_HOST will tell QuantumLeap where to reach Crate, so you need to provide a reachable hostname where Crate is running. By default QL will append the port 4200 to the hostname. You can of course add your required environment variables with -e. For more options see docker run reference.